Our Ethos & Values
Holly Grange Primary School will do its best to provide all children with a safe and secure learning environment.
We set high standards and expectations to enable all children to do their best and achieve their full potential.
A key feature of this environment is a caring family atmosphere underpinned by our Church of England ethos. At all times we will offer encouragement and support.When needed, forgiveness, reconciliation, help and guidance will be readily given. Within this framework, and through the subjects of the National Curriculum & the Diocesan RE Syllabus, we hope to assist the children in the development of lively, enquiring minds and healthy lifestyles.
We want all children to establish a good foundation of knowledge and skills that, not only prepares them for the intellectual challenge presented by secondary school life, but also helps them to develop the social skills and attitudes that are needed in the rapidly changing world.
The school admissions policy is designed to allow any child to be included in our school regardless of race, creed, gender or disability. The resulting pupil roll then reflects the diversity of life, a feature that we can all share and celebrate.
In order to achieve these aims we will do our best to:
- Prepare the children today for the world tomorrow.
- Encourage all children to develop to their full potential.
- Nurture a happy, caring and stimulating atmosphere for learning.
- Develop self-discipline, motivation and the dispositions necessary for real achievement.
- Underpin all the above with a positive and supportive Christian ethos.
- Encourage all children to work within a moral framework that is consistent with our Christian ethos.
Our ethos is summed up by our encouragement and modelling.